Professional Reproductions

The California History Section works with Cox Black and White Lab, an independent photo lab to provide photographic prints and reproductions of items which have not yet been scanned by State Library staff. These orders are placed through California History Room staff, who facilitate the order and prepare items for the photographer.

  • State Library staff cannot provide price quotes or accept payment for orders completed by the independent photographer.
  • The California State Library reserves the right to restrict the reproduction of rare, fragile or valuable items, as well as items still under copyright.
Handling $5 per order
  • Up to 6oz and/or 8.5x11 = $7
  • Larger prints require additional postage. Contact photographer for quote.
Sales Tax Local to delivery location in California.
Special Set-up
  • Digital Photography – originals up to 18x22" = $20 per order
  • ALL – originals larger than 18x22" = Contact photographer for quote.

Creating a paper copy from a negative, slide, or digital file.

Print Size B&W from existing negative B&W no negative available* COLOR from existing negative/slide B&W or COLOR from digital file
≤ 5x7" $9.50 $25.50 $17 $7
8x10" $13.50 $29.50 $21 $11
11x14" $29.50 $45.50 $47 $22
16x20" ----- ----- $75 $30
  • Prints larger than 11x14" must be digitized prior to printing. See Scanning and Digital Files for additional costs.
  • Up to 40" prints available. Contact photographer for quote.

* When ordering prints, scans, negatives or transparencies of materials for which the California State Library does not own a negative, a negative will be made and the $16.00 fee will be charged to patron. The negative will be retained for the collection of the California State Library.

Using a film or high resolution digital camera to duplicate a two dimensional object.

Image Size
(B&W only)
(B&W or Color)*
≤ 18x22" $16 each Set-up Fee + Digital file charge
>18x22" ----- Contact photographer for quote

*Set-up only, there is an additional fee for digital processing based on file size. See fee disclaimer.

Using a flatbed scanner or high resolution digital camera, along with computer software to duplicate and process an image.

The standard file produced by the photographer is an 8 bit Adobe 1998 RBG TIFF scanned at 100% and 600ppi (for original prints up to 8x10" and negatives up to 4x5"). Higher resolution scans are available, up to 5,000/10,000 for items up to 12x18". Jpeg file format is also available upon request.

Desired Print Size = File Size Cost
≤ 8x10" 5-19 Mb $10
11x14" 20-40 Mb $25
16x20" 41-85 Mb $45
20x24" 86-140 Mb $65

Costs may vary for non-standard sized originals. Contact photographer for quote.

The photographer requires payment prior to delivery of all orders. Payments can be made to the photographer with: Visa, Mastercard, American Express, Cash, Check, or Money order.

Option Price
CD/DVD $5 per disc
Memory Stick ≥$15 (depends on capacity needed)
Email via Dropbox $5 per order

Regular orders will only be picked up on the 1st and 3rd Fridays of each month. All times below are from the date of receipt at the lab, NOT the date the order is placed.

Option Time Premium
Normal 3-4 weeks  
RUSH 1 ½ weeks 2x print/scan cost
ASAP 3-4 days 3x print/scan cost + $40 pick-up fee
Overnight Contact photographer for quote.

State Library Staff cannot provide price quotes or accept payment for orders completed by the independent photographer. For price quotes, please contact the photographer and be prepared to provide:

  • Accurate measurements and format of the original item to be reproduced
  • How quickly you need the final product (see Turnaround Times, above)
  • Format to be produced (b&w print, color print, digital file only)
  • For print requests – desired print size
    • For digital file requests – (see Scanning and Digital Files, below)
    • Final file or print size
    • Resolution of final file (if higher than 600ppi is needed)
    • Delivery method

Cox Black and White Lab, Inc.

(916) 631-7275

Business Days & Hours
Monday-Thursday 9:00AM-5:00PM
Closed: Fridays, all State & Federal Holidays